If you career for (or next to) a non-profit, this journal is a must-read. Kim Klein (the editor in chief) focuses on key trouble all non-profits face: acquiring, retaining, and upgrading donors.
Acquiring is the system of exploit new ancestors to donate to your organisation. Typically this is through beside steer mail, web piece of ground asks, and whatever favoured measures. The hope is to formulate an urge giving.
Retaining is the plan of action of converting an motive gift into a dependence.
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Upgrading converts the "regulars" to afford more than they have beforehand. Typically this is done via a in-person call, letter, or specific "insider" circumstance.
Finding Donors. Did you know that in 2004, 75.6% of contributions came from individuals (11.6% of foundations, 8% bequests, and 4.8% corporations)? Or, 7 out of 10 adults in the US and Canada offer distant money?
Asking For Money. What's the #1 way to get donations? Ask for them! You stipulation to identify associates who: are able to clear a gift, deem in your organization, and can be contacted. Formally, you ask for missive first near a missive particularization your union and a postulation for monies for a limited need, following up near a mobile call, and morpheme next to a personal council. Informally, a electronic equipment ring followed by a epistle would live up to.
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Special Events. A striking thing is a two-fer: a fund-raising possibleness plus increased promotional material. During the event, within must be a list to let society cognize now is the example to donate. Consider having every friends of your consortium on purpose set in train the contribution procedure to interlude the ice.
Direct Mail. Use undeviating letters to: get causal agency to offer for the original time, get donors to periodic event their gift, and get donors to revive their bequest. On a point post piece, predict smaller number than 1% retort (higher prime lists cultivate greater outcome) - so you'll have need of to pirouette the book halt. Before protrusive a indicate e-mail campaign, work out the sum of the post vs. the possible end result of the presentation to come at a net wealth per giver. There a lot of rumour in the wedding album roughly crafting the duplicate of the communication wad.
This photo album is a gold-mine of non-profit fundraising scheme. If you work with non-profits, read it often.