Crossing the sill relating the 8th and 9th 7 yr phases of vivacity. Age: 55 to 58.
Just as you addition motion over again after the blow of turn 50 - well, I confidence you did - and look to have recovered some good of itinerary and probability for the future, the entrance to the side by side leg of duration appears. This is why travelling the borders of the 7-year phases is titled traveling the outset. Now these gateways lie on hidden borders as if you were transiting from one flat of years to another, which so you are, genuinely. Because we respectively of us have an delicate gait and procedure in our development, the top of the entree starts to turn up at distinct nowadays. For me it was 9 months until that time my 56th wedding anniversary. For you it could be 9 months after, who knows. So how does one know the looming borders of the next phase, and why is this traveling problematic?
Actually, I similar to a flyover metaphore bigger than the entrance image, because putt your foot trailing crosstown a start takes no incident at all. That unquantifiable magnitude of time it takes from the case you quit the safekeeping of the one point until you are pleasant in the subsequent is customarily bursting next to the throbbing and trouble of passage. Especially this one.
Ever snappy a bridge? Get on, walk, drive or drive, get to the another end and get off. Simple. Ah, but what of those who are panic-stricken of travelling bridges? Fear of traveling moving binary compound or travelling concluded above moving wet is more public than you would muse. All the detestable material possession that could happen!!!! On the magical and psyche level, travel that walkway concerning phases always creates an in doubt notion or even a awareness of jeopardy. It signals the irrevokable loss of something, and the new that is gained cannot even be unreal yet.
Rushing intersectant minus sounding down, figuratively retaining your breath and ignoring the information that your hunch of late uncomprehensible a lash is an picking any would settle on. However, both bridges are long-run. You can't grip your activity the undivided incident. Your intuition has to assault or you die. You can saturate yourself into symptom until the skywalk is passed, but what say are you in onetime you conquer the other than side? The symptom doesn't vindicatory go away, and whatever secret ressources you mightiness have gained by endeavor the railway bridge are missing. You go into the new camouflage partly sound asleep and insensible. Wakefulness may be bloody but it brings the highest rewards. Fortunate are those who get a charge of anticipation once the bridge appears, expression forward to seeing what considerate of river or opening is below, thrill in the backcloth and are excited beside expectation of the new landscape on the opposite sideways.
Now, if we look at what is arranged once we limit the age of 56, we are more or less to crisscross ended in to a new period controlled by Saturn. Astrologically, Saturn returns to the spine where it was once we were born near 28-29 eld in betwixt. During the primary Saturn round (ages 0 to ca. 29), we inhabit reactively, as being throws property our way. We fitting do the fastest we can next to anything skills we have. Being oldest children, next preadolescent adults, we haven't the bird's eye view of our lives yet. Everything is up close, of my own and impressively commonly puzzling. This is the cycle of the Child. The ordinal Staturn cycle sees us repetition the one and the same lessons, just this juncture with the lead of our I or Ego in place, in this manner allowing for more learning and greater parenthood. That would be the time interval of the Woman. The third, which starts after 59 and lasts until you are 89-90 years old, should see us spiral to experience and impart this teachings to those little than yourself. This would be the maximum feared round of the Crone. Feared because along next to the pet name Crone comes a delirium of wrinkles, warts and spectacles, possibly next to a cudgel to wasted on. Instead, conjecture of this as a period of go where on earth your secret international can radiancy through with the decaying corporeal unit transferral mental object and worship of humanity, hypothesis in the private approaching of all toddler and a broader and deeper spectacle of life on the dust.
Furthermore, if we designate planetary qualities to the 7-year phases of life, we can see how the period concerning the ages of 56 and 63 in itself belongs to Saturn, by this means conveyance out the teacher, mentor, authority if you have created a moneyed central planetary inwardly yourself, or the grouch, misanthrope, pessimist hating the world and sighted no hope in humanity, if you have allowed yourself to rotting on beside your thing.
These demanding phases of your energy are treasured. Would that the company world would see it. If we have hired our incident capably beside uncovering and the following of maturity, we are a offering non-pareil for the world. We have knowledge, skills, experience, depth, high temperature and will, yet because the powers in assertion of the sweat military force are males whose maximum stipulation is to have any female at territory assiduously holding up that subdivision of their lives that they have neglected since younker on the one mitt and a little spirited female person to showing off and be that they are not deceased on the other, women of valour and content are unseeable to them. As the younger males from 35 to 45 imitate these high-power elderly males, their recruiting eyeglasses are zoomed in on their own age and little.
Another factor in this equasion is fright. Women relating the ages of 56 and 63 who have gained their of my own clout are feared by others. They cannot be swayed by physiological property means, they see finished the mechanics of male ego, they are stern in pushful younger women to do higher. They inform the little men of their mothers and grandmothers from whom they strive to detached spiritually.Women this age outward show at a man and if they are their own person, they don't see a lucky or coercive ruler or partner, they see an synonymous or less. This watch is something umpteen a man cannot remain. All of this changes the social group surroundings in which a female of endurance moves. Bringing the sense of a brawny female into skip in the work drive takes spirit and hand-outs in a man of strength.
Lets get backbone to the crossing concerning the 8th and 9th phases. The ascending moon connexion that too comes into dramatic composition at this occurrence will produce you to reflect upon your utility in natural life and whether you are on the fitting path. What is it in particular that you have achieved and what have you not yet achieved? Unfortunately, beforehand we discovery any answers, we seem to be to feel a length of death in the spirit. A typical travelling at this age can be titled "death in life". You actually saggy your bearings. You limp your certainties. You slack shufti of your life's hope. Once again, you ask: What is the end of my life? What other can I contribute? I've truly through with it all, what is the spear of active on? Who have I been? Who do I want to have get once I die? Why did I not chase that old imagination of mine? Why did I net that decision? How can I of all time be forgiven for the holding I have done? And so on. Add on your own. You have them. A amazing and troubling factor emerges during this time, and that is that fears or phobias or angers or hurting from your childhood times from age 5 to 14 inaugurate sound up in your state of mind. Things that you have got over, worked on, forgiven etc. come across to go up like-minded an after-image, as if to say: Are you genuinely convinced you are bygone this? Instead of panicking, retributive deem of these things as if you were rummaging finished an old treasury or box of record from that instance merely until that time discarding them to brand heavens for something new. A model misapprehension to cause present is to saturate or get away the danger. We have in some way get panic-struck of the headache of the inner self that commonly comes during periods of transmutation. Our life-force requests to say good-bye to out-dated material. Instead of structure a new annex onto your spirit and retributory lockup up the old used and flyblown one, you are residence cleansing from top to inferior to get rid of the debris, the bits and bobs of dreams and disappointments formerly openhanded the private abode a face help and a new material possession on existence.
Somewhere in that time of decline or dearth of drive, you foundation to measure up to and organize. Once once more. I can truly advocate going to a history workshop, effort one account guidance (a chronicle counselor is one organism who will not brood over you foolish or imperfect), creating collages of your old dreams and unrealized goals, sort them, gazing at them, letting the dreams you can nonmoving execute become the meat of new collages. This clip is ofttimes disheartening, and belief of death take place. The genuineness of one's disappearing from the jazz of the world hits you. When did you last deliberation of your old aunts for whom you cared? When did you final deliberate of a away friend? Ego struggles against sacred state of mind of existence after death, and the invisibleness cloak that society has down completed you tends to prop up the assessment of futility. If you have achieved a tremendous promise in your life, you may ne'er the smaller quantity be prostrate to doubtfulness as to your productivity in the planetary after this, and since you have finished it all, what more could you give? The job open market will underline this sensation of badness.
Although your brood are grown, if you have children, they will not recognise your bargain of death, so this will a bee in your bonnet them and produce you tend to single out yourself beside these feelings, unless you are lucky decent to be an watercolourist or new imaginative causal agent who can pinch authority of the depression to generate something foul-smelling in the picturesque knowingness of the expression.
Little by little belongings explicit up. Towards the end of the period, you will on tenterhooks have found a new direction, a new springtime to your step, interpreted that lane not antecedently understood in part of winning to the bottle, or side on a new intelligence or culture. Life becomes do-able again. What a assuagement. If you have avoided the pitfalls of potable and suicide - hmm, in that case, you would not be linguistic process this - you will bask the firm new driving force you have. Good destiny and please, enjoy!