The spot wherever meals are served in confinement is called inject or the chou lecture theatre. As a federal inmate, you will be specified 3 meals a day. Meal nowadays will swing depending on the institution, but by and large meal is served from 6-7am, repast from 11-12am and repast from 5-6pm.
In prisons near many an units, in that will be a policy in deposit to decide the order in which the units are titled. This will habitually be based on a chalk up stemming from a weekly analysis of the units. In theory, the formulation units are awarded superior scads and these inmates are called up to eat early. This is a fortunate thing as one will not have to loaf in chain and one is assured a set down to sit. But in reality, the analysis social unit oftentimes don't even express up. Regardless, a mark is in some manner static awarded and the unit's function is set for the period of time.